Best Practices

Two common methods of making presentations engaging and unique and personalizing the presentation's theme and adjusting the layout of each slide. Typeset makes it simple to craft beautiful, cohesive slides across your entire presentation – without spending tons of time choosing colors and formatting.

Typeset is constantly analyzing your content to find the best way to represent it. However, you're ultimately in control and can easily change the presentation’s overall theme or the layout of a specific slide.

Choosing a Slide Layout

While Typeset is here to do wonders for your presentations and documents, some of the onus still rests on the person with their hands at the keyboard. Slide after slide of similarly formatted text can be monotonous. Remember to vary the layout of your slides to keep them engaging. 

To change the layout or colors of a slide, hover over the slide preview and hit the Magic Wand button to open up the Remix panel. Typeset will then present different layout options to choose from depending on the content on the slide.

Don't worry, you don't need to have your company branding hex codes memorized or try to eyeball the colors in an image – Typeset will automatically suggest a color palette based on either the theme you selected, company branding (if you've signed up with a company email address), or palette of colors from images you'd used in the slide.


Adding Page Numbers

Click the Design & Style button in the top right corner and choose Customize. From this option, scroll down until you see Page Numbering and switch this on. This will instantly add page numbers to your slides.

Hide Page Numbers

With many eBooks, not all slides require a page number. You can now hide the page number on the first (and any other) slide you choose. By clicking the Remixer (Wand Icon) on the slide in question you'll see an option for Show page number. This can be toggled OFF to disable the page number shown on the slide.