Discounts available

Typeset offers discounts to the following groups:

  • Non-Profit Organizations
  • Teachers
  • Students

At this time, Typeset doesn't offer any other discounts such as: Military discounts on Typeset subscriptions.

Discounted Price

  • Basic Plan
    • Monthly - $9.95
    • Annual - $99.95
  • Pro Plan
    • Monthly - $19.95
    • Annual - $187.50

How to Apply

To apply for one of these discounts you must email our team at: [email protected] with the subject line: Non-Profit Discount, Teacher Discount or Student Discount.

 In your email, please include your documentation to show your: Non-Profit, Teacher or Student status.


Q: Is the discount for a limited time only?

    A: The discount will remain on your account as long as your Typeset subscription is active.